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10 Best herbs for postpartum

10 Best herbs for postpartum

These are the 10 best herbs for postpartum recovery. Herbal medicines have always played a role in the motherhood journey all around the world. Herbal remedies can be used to not only boost physical resilience and recovery throughout the postpartum period but also to aid in the emotional changes that occur.

Pregnant women are increasingly turning to herbal therapies after childbirth. Owing to how gentle and effective herbs can be when used carefully when indicated.

Here are my favorite herbal medicine for new mothers, ranging from those that improve milk supply to those that help with postpartum depression.

I am also going to recommend an herbal sitz bath you can either buy a pre-made herbal bath combination or make your own. In this post, I’ve compiled a selection of the best herbal sitz baths from some amazing natural brands. I also have a DIY herbal sitz bath recipe that will help you heal faster in the early postpartum days.

10 Best Herbs for Postpartum

These herbs unless otherwise specified, they can all be given as an alcohol extract or tincture and are all considered safe when breastfeeding.

  1. Witch Hazel (Hamamelis virginiana) – This herb is also beneficial in the treatment of inflamed tissues. It is a strong astringent, which means it helps to close wounds and stop bleeding. Add some witch hazel to your Calendula bath for extra perineal healing! There are numerous herbs that can help mothers after they give birth. If you have any questions or concerns about utilizing herbs in the postpartum period, please see your herbalist or Naturopathic doctor.
  2. Calendula (Calendula officinalis) – Calendula is highly beneficial in repairing damaged and inflamed tissues. For ladies seeking help with perineal healing, Calendula tea can be soaked in a herbs for postpartum bath, sprayed in a peri-bottle, or administered directly to the perineum with a washcloth or sanitary pad.
  3. Chamomile (Matricaria recutita) – This commonly used herb can be helpful in promoting relaxation for postpartum women who need to shut their minds out before falling asleep. It also relaxes the digestive tract, which may help patients suffering from postpartum constipation move their bowels. Chamomile tea is the finest way to consume it.
  4. Oats (Avena sativa)- Distinct parts of the oat plant provide different benefits during the postpartum time. Many moms find that a bowl of oatmeal each morning helps with their milk supply, but oats are also relaxing to the neurological system. Making a tincture from their seeds is excellent for soothing the mind and body.
  5. Nettle (Urtica dioca)- The dried nettle leaf forms a nutrient-rich tea that helps in the treatment of anemia and blood sugar management. Because it is nutritious, it is frequently used both during pregnancy and after childbirth. I normally recommend steeping a tiny handful of the herb in a liter of boiling water overnight. A splash of apple cider vinegar can be added to help extract the vitamins and minerals. The remaining fluid should be drunk throughout the next day. If you need more iron, add half a lemon juice and a spoonful of blackstrap molasses. There are also several tea remedies that are excellent for family health.
  6. Holy Basil (Ocimum sanctum) – This is another great herb that is often used in Ayurvedic medicine to boost resilience against long-term stress, enhance energy levels, and improve mood in cases of moderate depression following childbirth.
  7. Skullcap (Scutellaria lateriflora) – Skullcap is an excellent mood-boosting herb for people suffering from anxiety, stress-induced restlessness, or poor sleep. These natural remedies should be considered by ladies who are having minor postpartum anxiety.
  8. Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) – This plant, which belongs to the herbal category of adaptogens, is often used to assist the body to regulate stress. While long used in Ayurvedic medicine, it has been well recognized for its ability to enhance the immune system, soothe irritation, and improve memory (especially if you suffer from “baby brain”!).
  9. Blessed Thistle (Cnicus benedictus)- Blessed Thistle is another excellent galactagogue that is frequently used with Fenugreek. As a bitter herb, it also stimulates appetite and promotes digestion, so it may be worth considering for ladies who are struggling in this area.Blessed Thistle is another excellent galactagogue that is frequently used with Fenugreek. As a bitter herb, it also stimulates appetite and promotes digestion, so it may be worth considering for ladies who are struggling in this area.
  10. Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graceum) – Fenugreek is perhaps one of the most often used herbs to assist women in increasing their breast milk production. While we know that milk must be expressed in order to be produced, using a galactagogue (a drug that encourages lactation) can be beneficial when increasing production is the goal. Many women would crush fenugreek seeds and make tea out of them, which can be eaten multiple times each day. You can expect to smell like maple syrup while taking fenugreek!
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DIY Herbal Sitz Bath Recipe:

You can use the measurements mentioned in the recipe below and substitute your favorite herbs if desired.

The above recipe yields 3 cups of Herbal Sitz bath, which can be divided into three muslin bags (1 cup each). You can also store the entire mixture in a container and use it as needed. I would simply shake the jar vigorously because the salts tend to settle towards the bottom (or add Epsom salts directly to the bathtub). These are natural remedies for postpartum healing.

How to make an herbal tincture for sitz baths:

Here is how to make the herbal tincture for the perineum.

Step 1- infusion

Put the postpartum herbs in a container, then add hot water to it. Make sure to thoroughly soak each herb. Give it at least 20 minutes to sit. If you want greater medical benefits, leave it overnight. The liquid should be strained and refrigerated. Alternatively, you might simply pour the infused liquid into the bath.

If you are infusing the herbs, do not add Epsom salts to it. Add Epsom salts directly to the tub.

Step 2- Add it directly to the Bath

Place the herb mixture inside this muslin bag, then tie the bag shut. When you are filling the bathtub, you may just drop the bag inside. As an alternative, you can add the hot water from the cup that the bag was soaked in for 20 minutes to the bath. Even while you are in the bath, you can drop the herb bag into the warm water for further steeping.

Please do not add herbs directly to the tub, unless you like leaves sticking to your lady parts and have enough time on your hands to clean up the tub.

Awesome Tip!

You can use this Herbal Tea mix as a peri-solution by filling it in a peri-bottle. You can use the same mix to make postpartum padsicles.

Best herbs for postpartum sitz bath To Buy:

Purchasing these ready-to-use herbal sitz baths is a great option if you’re a busy mom who lacks the time to make a DIY version. For a natural mama (or any mama), these also make wonderful postpartum gifts.

Earth Mama Organic Herbal Sitz Bath for Pregnancy and Postpartum:

A well-known natural organic company called Earth Mama sells fantastic breastfeeding and postpartum supplies. The sitz bath was created by a nurse and herbalist, and Earth Mama products are made in the USA. Herbs that have been carefully chosen and are 100% USDA-certified organic and non-GMO.

Ingredients include Sea salt, organic oats (Avena sativa) kernel meal, Plantago major (organic plantain), Calendula officinalis (organic Calendula), Achillea millefolium (organic yarrow), and Hamamelis virginiana (organic witch hazel) leaves.

Birth Song Botanicals:

Yarrow, plantain, shepherd’s purse, Uva Ursi, and calendula are among the potent herbs included in the Birth Song Botanicals Postpartum Bath. You can soak the herbs in the reusable cotton bag that is included in the package. The herbs are all either organic or wild-crafted.

You can use up to one-third or half of the packet for sitz baths in bathtubs. Use 1/8th of the entire container for over-the-toilet sitz baths. The denser/heavier elements, such sea salt, may settle down, so shake the pack vigorously before removing the herbs.

Sitz Bath Soak by Birds & Bees Teas:

Birds & Bees Teas is dedicated to assisting women in naturally taking care of themselves and their children. I adore that they offer packs of 4 or 8 of their herbal sitz baths. I urge you to purchase the 8-pack since, once you’ve experienced the advantages of a herbal sitz bath. You won’t be able to stop using them.

Each sachet is filled with organic herbs of the highest quality, including Chickweed leaf, Marshmallow root. Witch hazel bark, Uva Ursi leaf, Yarrow leaf, Chamomile flower, and Lavender blossoms.


I hope this post on the 10 best herbs for postpartum and herb baths was helpful to new moms and postpartum moms. You can choose a herbal sitz bath or create one using the instructions above if you are expecting or have friends who are getting close to delivery.

I can’t emphasize enough how many wonderful advantages, there are to taking a herbal sitz bath. Look at this post, where I provide a really straightforward sitz bath recipe if you’re still not convinced about using herbs. Tell us what you think about herbs for postpartum hormones in the comments.

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