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Can I Drink Alcohol After Getting Lip Fillers

Can I Drink Alcohol After Getting Lip Fillers

Beautiful soft lips are trending on social media. A naturally larger pout can help you look and feel younger and more beautiful.

So it’s no surprise that lip fillers are one of the most popular cosmetic treatments in the United States. The non-invasive procedure can be completed during your lunch hour. It also boasts one of the highest levels of patient satisfaction.

When it comes to lip augmentation, though, there are a few do’s and don’ts. By following the aftercare instructions supplied by your injector, you can receive the greatest possible results while avoiding complications.

We’ll go through everything you should avoid before and after receiving lip fillers in this article.

Here’s what you should know.

How Do Lip Fillers Work?

Lip augmentation is a treatment that adds volume to the lips by injecting fillers, most often hyaluronic acid. This is accomplished through the trapping of water by hyaluronic acid (HA). Consider those gels that swell too many times their original size when water is introduced – that’s essentially how they function. Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring substance in your body that is broken down by vitamin C and iron. As you become older, your natural hyaluronic acid production rate slows, causing your skin to lose volume, become more dry and brittle, and wrinkles and fine lines to appear.

Dermal fillers come in a wide variety, each with a unique function and purpose. Injections for Botox treatment are the most well-known. Injections of Botox, which operate very differently from HA, are used to treat wrinkles, migraines, and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) pain. Injections of fat or collagen are other, much less common options for lip filler treatment.

Because it allows for easily regulated volume, is very pliable, and has results that last eight to twelve months, HA is preferred for cosmetic procedures like lip augmentation. Your body degrades the injections over time, just like it does with naturally occurring HA.

Can You Drink Alcohol Before Lip Filler Injections?

You should avoid drinking alcohol for 24 hours before receiving lip filler injections. This is because alcohol is a vasodilator.

Simply put, alcohol causes your blood vessels to dilate and widen. This means that the blood vessels in your lips take up more space beneath the skin, increasing the risk of bruising.

Alcohol can also cause fluid retention and increase the risk of swelling.

After obtaining lip fillers, you want to see the full results of the treatment as soon as possible. Avoiding alcohol may let you appreciate your new look sooner rather than waiting for bruising and swelling to go away.

It’s not the end of the world if you’re getting lip fillers done and you’ve had a few drinks. Alcohol merely worsens the bruising and swelling, just like aspirin, ibuprofen, vitamin E, garlic, and many other drugs. So raise a glass to yourself (and your lip injector) if you feel like drinking wine and don’t mind being a little more swollen for the next few days.


Can I Drink Alcohol After Getting Lip Fillers?

No, we recommend avoiding drinking alcohol for at least 24 hours after getting lip fillers. This is due to the same causes stated before.

Although the tiny needles used for lip augmentation have a low impact on your skin, they do leave microscopic puncture holes that your body must heal. Furthermore, alcohol consumption during the healing phase can thin the blood and raise the risk of post-procedure bruising and swelling.

To keep the recovery period as short as possible, avoid alcohol. After a couple of days, you’ll be able to enjoy your lovely new lips.

Does Alcohol Cause Bruising?

Alcohol can make you more prone to bruising. And we’re not talking about the extra bumps and knocks you might feel after one too many glasses of alcohol.

Alcohol, as previously stated, is a vasodilator. It stimulates blood vessels to dilate, which increases blood flow to the skin’s surface. That’s why some people get rosy cheeks after drinking alcohol.

Blood vessels are more susceptible to bursting as a result of increased blood flow. When a blood vessel is broken, blood spills into the surrounding tissue. That is the purple color seen with bruises.

What Will Happen if I Drink Alcohol After Getting Lip Fillers?

Alcohol is a vasodilator that thins the blood. If you drink alcohol after getting lip injections, your blood vessels may dilate, causing more blood to flow to the skin’s surface. This increases the danger of blood vessels bursting at the injection sites. The increased blood flow can also worsen any bruising or swelling.

Is Swelling After Lip Fillers Normal?

Swelling is common following lip fillers. The majority of people report that the swelling is most noticeable in the morning following the lip filler surgery. However, this is a temporary side effect that should only last a few days.

You can reduce the chance of swelling by following your practitioner’s aftercare instructions. To lessen the chance of swelling and other side effects, avoid alcohol consumption.

Avoid Strenuous Exercise

It’s a good idea to avoid going to the gym for the first 24 hours after getting lip filler injections. Strenuous exercise raises your heart rate and blood pressure, increasing side effects like bruising and swelling.

A good workout can also make you sweat, which will dehydrate your skin and irritate the injection sites.

Dermal fillers are composed of a chemical known as hyaluronic acid. It’s a natural sugar-based product that draws and holds water, plumping your lips from beneath the skin. You can stay active by going for a stroll, but avoid vigorous exercise for the first 24 hours.

Can I Drink Coffee After Lip Fillers?

Caffeine, it is often believed, can promote dehydration. However, there is no scientific proof that moderate caffeine consumption causes dehydration, which could impair lip augmentation results.

However, following lip filler injections, there is a risk of burning your lips with hot drinks. Your lips may be uncomfortable and slightly puffy following the treatment, and you may feel numb from the local anesthetic.

To stay hydrated after treatment, stick to room-temperature liquids. You should also avoid sipping with a straw because puckering your lips can generate pressure on the dermal filler solution.

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Avoid Air Travel for a Couple of Weeks

The air in a plane cabin can also dry your skin, interfering with the dermal filler treatment and preventing you from achieving the best results.

You can travel for a few weeks following lip filler injections, but you should stay on the ground and stay hydrated until the filler product has settled.

Don’t Smoke After Lip Filler Injections

If you stop smoking before and after lip fillers, you’ll get greater results and experience fewer side effects. Smoking not only dries out your skin, but it can also have more serious side effects.

According to a 2010 study, people who smoke have a higher risk of infection after receiving dermal filler injections.

Smoking should be avoided for at least 24 hours following lip fillers, though it’s better to give up the habit completely.

How Long After Anti-Wrinkle Treatment Can I Drink Alcohol?

It’s best to avoid drinking for 24 hours following anti-wrinkle injections, just like with dermal fillers. Alcohol thins the blood and widens the blood vessels, which raises the possibility of swelling and bruising.

You can get the best treatment results as quickly as possible by avoiding alcohol. You don’t have to wait for the swelling and bruising to go down to appreciate your new appearance. We advise abstaining from drinking for 24 hours prior to and following anti-wrinkle injections.

Can You Eat After Lip Fillers?

Yes, you can eat after lip augmentation as long as you take precautions. If a topical or local anesthetic is applied, you should wait until the numbing effect subsides before consuming any food. It might take up to an hour to do this.

Avoiding messy or challenging foods is also a good idea. Try to stick with simple foods after lip fillers so that you don’t have to rub or wipe your mouth around too much. Additionally, stay away from very salty foods because they may irritate your lips.

Can You Take Painkillers After Getting Lip Fillers?

After getting lip fillers, most people find they don’t need painkillers. However, you can use over-the-counter paracetamol if you do need pain medication.

Aspirin and ibuprofen are two examples of anti-inflammatory medications to stay away from. These painkillers have the potential to be a blood thinner, which raises the chance of bruising. Additionally, you should abstain from taking any vitamin E or fish oil supplements for the week leading up to and following your treatments.

A cold pack is the greatest treatment for swelling or sore lips, as they both include pain. When necessary, wrap an ice pack in a fresh towel or cloth and gently press it against your lips.

When Can I See the Final Results?

Results from lip fillers are seen right away. You’ll see that your lips look younger and fuller after the surgery. Any swelling or bruising may take a few days to go down.

After the dermal filler has settled for around two weeks following lip augmentation, you will be able to view the final results. You can expect that the results of your lip enhancement will last 6 to 8 months before a follow-up procedure is required to keep your look.

Are Lip Fillers Safe?

When administered by an experienced professional, lip fillers are safe. Hyaluronic acid, a sugar that naturally occurs in the body, is used to make the majority of dermal fillers. One advantage of employing hyaluronic acid-based treatments is that, if necessary, the filler can be dissolved with an enzyme.

For your lip filler procedure, it’s crucial to pick a reputable cosmetic center with knowledgeable staff. The most important aspect of lip filler safety is where the injection sites are placed. Dermal fillers can result in vascular occlusions and other negative side effects if they are applied by a novice practitioner.

Can You Drink Alcohol Two Days After Lip Filler Injections?

It’s not a good idea, no. You may feel that the swelling has subsided and you can resume your normal activities after two days, but you should continue to abstain from alcohol for another four to five days to ensure that your body heals quickly and with little bruising.

When deciding how soon and how much to drink, be sure to take into account your personal medical history and history of alcohol reactions.

Drinking two weeks after treatment will slow the healing process, raise the risk of infection, and have common adverse effects, but maybe worst of all, it will prolong the healing process.

To have a better experience overall, wait a few days before drinking.

Basic Lip Filler Aftercare Tips

Before and after fillers take Arnica 30x (easy to find at Whole Foods) to help with bruising and swelling. Bruising can also last 14 days in some people. Be gentle with your lips while they are swollen and bruised. 

Kissing– Your lips will be tender and susceptible to bruising. Before attempting to use your new pucker, wait a few days.

Lipstick, Lip Gloss & Lip Balm – Avoid touching the treated area as much as you can, which means for at least 24 hours staying away from any lip moisturizers and even makeup.

Direct Cold– Do not directly apply ice packs, ice cubes, cold packs, or heat packs to the skin. This is true for all skin, but notably for very sensitive skin like lips, even before you’ve sought and recovered from injectable treatment.

Spicy Foods –  If something can make your lips tingle on its own, you’ll want to avoid it.


Can I Drink Alcohol After Getting Lip Fillers? After getting lip fillers, you want to see the full results of treatment as soon as possible. Avoiding alcohol may help you enjoy your new look faster, rather than waiting for bruising and swelling to subside. Alcohol can also cause fluid retention and increase the risk of swelling.

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